Team: 6, Followers: 159, Comments: 26
Banking, TelecommunicationsAfrica, North America
Michael GathuFollow
Independent Computer Software Professional
Location: Kenya
Systems Administrator
Location: Kenya
Whitney NjiruFollow
Location: Kenya
Providing Simple workable solutions to Problems.
Location: Kenya
Kago KagichiriFollow
Systems Consultant at MiliQi
Location: Kenya
Margaret kareithiFollow
Location: Kenya
The world is rapidly changing, the future is mobile
What if you could set aside a small % of your daily mobile expenditure towards savings?
What if you could dedicate money towards saving by just topping up your phone?
What if you could access a micro loan as simply as dialing *123# pap!?
M-SAVE: A simple effortless way to save using your phone, is here to make the world a better place.
And we don’t just stop at that:
M-SAVE opens up a whole new world of opportunities for entrepreneurs